
Olga Maria
Paediatric endocrinologist


Paediatric endocrinologist
Paediatric Endocrinology (Clinic)
Paediatric endocrinologist
Paediatric Endocrinology (Clinic)

Short CV

Dr. Olga Maria K. Matsika is a pediatric specialist with certified specialization in Pediatric Endocrinology.  

She was born and raised in Greece and is a graduate of the German School of Thessaloniki (GSTH), where through the - in addition to the Greek - German "Abitur" with a corresponding score and after examinations, she was admitted to the Medical School of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt / Main, Germany, where she completed her university education with an "excellent" degree.  

She then completed her five-year clinical training in the various departments of the 1st Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Clinic for Paediatrics in Frankfurt, where she received her specialty in Paediatrics.

She went on to further specialize in the field of Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology and Diabetology, where after three years of training in a paid position as a Pediatric Specialist in a specialized unit of Pediatric Endocrinology and Adolescent Medicine, short and long hospitalization, she received the title of Subspecialty "Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology" of the German Higher Medical Institutions. 

The German Medical Association of the State of Hesse (LÄK Hessen) selects her as an accredited examiner for the examinations of the subspecialty of Pediatrics - Endocrinology for the period 2013-2017. 

She was subsequently appointed Chief Resident of Pediatric Endocrinology at the 1st Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Hospital for Pediatrics in Frankfurt, where she is in charge until the beginning of her parental leave.

After her return she was selected as a Supervising Specialist Pediatric Endocrinologist at the Multipopulation and Pediatric Clinic of the General Regional Hospital of Gelnhausen, Germany, where she worked for 5 years until August 2017.

At the end of 2017 she realizes her wish to return to Greece, where she has been working in different positions since 2018, as a Specialized Endocrinologist for Infants, Children & Adolescents.

As of 2021, she joins the 4th Pediatric Clinic of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, as a Clinical Specialized Scientific Associate, responsible for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology.  

Throughout her medical training she attends and actively participates in numerous medical conferences, as well as accredited seminars of the respective European and international Pediatric and Endocrine Societies (ESPE, JAPED, Endocrine Society, etc.).

For many years he has been involved in Germany and Greece in teaching residents of pediatric clinics and students of the Medical School of the Universities with which he collaborates. 

Dr. Olga Maria Matsika is a member of multiple Greek, German & European scientific societies of Pediatrics & Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology and maintains a systematic scientific collaboration with pediatric centers, mainly in German-speaking Europe.

The primary goal of the doctor is the personal and human-centered approach and diagnosis of children and adolescents. Dr. Olga Maria K. Matsika offers an internationally updated information based on high European standards, which, combined with the use of modern therapeutic methods, achieves the optimal regulation of endocrine disorders and, most importantly, the support and relief of children and adolescents seeking medical advice. 

For any information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secretariat of Outpatient Medicine
+30 2310 390 766 | +30 2310 380 000

Dr. Olga Maria K. Matsika is a pediatric specialist with certified specialization in Pediatric Endocrinology.  

She was born and raised in Greece and is a graduate of the German School of Thessaloniki (GSTH), where through the - in addition to the Greek - German "Abitur" with a corresponding score and after examinations, she was admitted to the Medical School of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt / Main, Germany, where she completed her university education with an "excellent" degree.  

She then completed her five-year clinical training in the various departments of the 1st Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Clinic for Paediatrics in Frankfurt, where she received her specialty in Paediatrics.

She went on to further specialize in the field of Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology and Diabetology, where after three years of training in a paid position as a Pediatric Specialist in a specialized unit of Pediatric Endocrinology and Adolescent Medicine, short and long hospitalization, she received the title of Subspecialty "Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology" of the German Higher Medical Institutions. 

The German Medical Association of the State of Hesse (LÄK Hessen) selects her as an accredited examiner for the examinations of the subspecialty of Pediatrics - Endocrinology for the period 2013-2017. 

She was subsequently appointed Chief Resident of Pediatric Endocrinology at the 1st Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Hospital for Pediatrics in Frankfurt, where she is in charge until the beginning of her parental leave.

After her return she was selected as a Supervising Specialist Pediatric Endocrinologist at the Multipopulation and Pediatric Clinic of the General Regional Hospital of Gelnhausen, Germany, where she worked for 5 years until August 2017.

At the end of 2017 she realizes her wish to return to Greece, where she has been working in different positions since 2018, as a Specialized Endocrinologist for Infants, Children & Adolescents.

As of 2021, she joins the 4th Pediatric Clinic of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, as a Clinical Specialized Scientific Associate, responsible for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology.  

Throughout her medical training she attends and actively participates in numerous medical conferences, as well as accredited seminars of the respective European and international Pediatric and Endocrine Societies (ESPE, JAPED, Endocrine Society, etc.).

For many years he has been involved in Germany and Greece in teaching residents of pediatric clinics and students of the Medical School of the Universities with which he collaborates. 

Dr. Olga Maria Matsika is a member of multiple Greek, German & European scientific societies of Pediatrics & Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology and maintains a systematic scientific collaboration with pediatric centers, mainly in German-speaking Europe.

The primary goal of the doctor is the personal and human-centered approach and diagnosis of children and adolescents. Dr. Olga Maria K. Matsika offers an internationally updated information based on high European standards, which, combined with the use of modern therapeutic methods, achieves the optimal regulation of endocrine disorders and, most importantly, the support and relief of children and adolescents seeking medical advice. 

  • Growth disorders: investigating low/high stature
  • Infant, child and adolescent Hypo/Hyperthyroidism and other thyroid disorders
  • Adrenal diseases
  • Age disorders: Early/Delayed puberty
  • Body Weight Gain / Forms of Obesity / Investigation of Lipid / Sugar Metabolism
  • Syndromology / Clinical Genetic Evaluation
  • Bone Metabolism
  • Forestry
  • Menstrual cycle disorders in teenage girls
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO)
  • Knee dysgenesis