


Greek, German, English
Greek, German, English

Short CV

I was born in Germany, but I lived part of my childhood

in Serres. Then we emigrated again to Germany. I gave

qualifying exams in Germany, and I managed to get into the

Medical school of the University of Cologne. After I graduated,

I completed my doctoral thesis at the same university, on the

Iology. This was followed by my residency in neurosurgery, at

Kiel University. From 2000 to 2012 I worked at Kiel, while

In between, from 2002 to 2005, I worked in the research sector of the

neurosciences at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New

York (USA). After completing my residency, from 2012 to 2015,

I worked as head of the oncological neurosurgical unit at the

Duisburg General Hospital. From 2015 to 2021, I was

chief vascular and neurosurgeon at the University of Düsseldorf. From

in 2021 I am an associate of the Clinic "St. Lucas".

In the context of my voluntary work, I offered with my knowledge and

my experience, in the Sustainable Improvement of Health Care project

care, in Cameroon. This programme aims to

training of neurosurgeons of the University of Cameroon, on the


This action, initiated by ARZT hilft e.V. and BRAIN-

GLOBAL, will last about 4 years, and will allow significant

improving the techniques of neurosurgeons in Cameroon, in operations

of the brain and spinal cord. After the end of the program,

we will expand to all countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with the aim of

local neurosurgeons to be able to perform operations

autonomously, and not be dependent on Western neurosurgeons.

My vision is to ensure equality in the provision of medical care

care, all over the world. And that will be achieved if we help the

countries that are lagging behind in the health sector, training doctors

in these countries. So they will be able to treat any disease,

without depending on doctors from other countries.

For any information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secretariat of Outpatient Medicine
+30 2310 390 766 | +30 2310 380 000

I was born in Germany, but I lived part of my childhood

in Serres. Then we emigrated again to Germany. I gave

qualifying exams in Germany, and I managed to get into the

Medical school of the University of Cologne. After I graduated,

I completed my doctoral thesis at the same university, on the

Iology. This was followed by my residency in neurosurgery, at

Kiel University. From 2000 to 2012 I worked at Kiel, while

In between, from 2002 to 2005, I worked in the research sector of the

neurosciences at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New

York (USA). After completing my residency, from 2012 to 2015,

I worked as head of the oncological neurosurgical unit at the

Duisburg General Hospital. From 2015 to 2021, I was

chief vascular and neurosurgeon at the University of Düsseldorf. From

in 2021 I am an associate of the Clinic "St. Lucas".

In the context of my voluntary work, I offered with my knowledge and

my experience, in the Sustainable Improvement of Health Care project

care, in Cameroon. This programme aims to

training of neurosurgeons of the University of Cameroon, on the


This action, initiated by ARZT hilft e.V. and BRAIN-

GLOBAL, will last about 4 years, and will allow significant

improving the techniques of neurosurgeons in Cameroon, in operations

of the brain and spinal cord. After the end of the program,

we will expand to all countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with the aim of

local neurosurgeons to be able to perform operations

autonomously, and not be dependent on Western neurosurgeons.

My vision is to ensure equality in the provision of medical care

care, all over the world. And that will be achieved if we help the

countries that are lagging behind in the health sector, training doctors

in these countries. So they will be able to treat any disease,

without depending on doctors from other countries.

May 2022- Honorary Lecturer of Neurosurgery, Muhimbili

University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania

*Professor of the University

January 2022- Position: Consulting Vascular Neurosurgeon,

Hospital General Yaounde, Cameroon


January 2022- Affiliation: Professor for "Ethics in Neurosurgery"

seminars at the Institute for Ethics and History of

medicine, University of Duesseldorf, Medical School

University professor

July 2021- Position: Neurosurgeon at St. Luke's Hospital,

Thessaloniki, Greece

April 2021- Affiliation: Member of Brainglobal humanitarian

organisation and vascular Neurosurgeon of the

General Hospital Yaounde in Cameroon, Central Af


April 2018- Affiliation: Professor of Neurosurgery, University

Duesseldorf, Medical School

Sep. 2015-Apr 2021 Director, Vascular Neurosurgery

Director of angioneurosurgery unit

April 2019-Apr 2021 Attending of the spinal vascular Neurosurgery team

Sep 2015-Apr 2021 Attending Neurosurgeon, Vascular Neurosurgery Program,

University Hospital Duesseldorf, Germany

Nov 2016-Apr 2018 Associate Prof. of Neurosurgery, Heinrich Heine University

Duesseldorf, Germany

Mar 2020 Board Certification in Medicine and Neurosurgery, Athens,


Jul 2020 Physicians Chamber Membership in Neurosurgery,

Thessaloniki, Greece

Nov 2019 Medical License in Greece

April 2012-Nov 2016 Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Christian-Albrechts-

University Kiel, Germany

Nov 2013- Aug 2015 Director of the Section Oncological Neurosurgery, Sana

Kliniken Duisburg, Germany, and attending neurosurgeon of

pediatric neurosurgery

Director of Oncological Neurosurgery Unit

Nov 2014- Aug 2015 Consulting Neurosurgeon (skull base), Bielefeld Städ.

Hospital, Department of ENT

June 2012- Aug 2015 Consulting Neurosurgeon (trauma), Professional Neurosurgeon

accident clinic, Trauma Center Dusiburg

July 2012-Aug 2015 Co-Director of the Spine Fellowship Program of AO Spine

(Organized AO Spine Center Certification)

June 2012- Aug 2015 Attending Neurosurgeon at the Wedau Kliniken Duisburg,


August 2010-April 2012 Staff Neurosurgeon at the Neurosurgical Department of the

University Hospital Schleswig Holstein, Campus Kiel,


February 2010 Board Certified Neurosurgeon, Neurosurgical Department

of the University of Kiel, Germany, Prof. H.M. Mehdorn

August 2005- February 2010 Residency in Neurosurgery, Neurosurgical Depart-

ment of the University of Kiel, Germany, Prof. H.M.



May 2002-April 2005 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cellular and Developmental Neuro-

science, Cell Biology Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering

Cancer New York, U.S.A.

Head of the Laboratory: Urs Rutishauser Ph.D.

Additional training

May 2000 Doctor of Virology, University of Cologne, Germany.

Doctor of Medicine, University of Kolonia


Vascular Neurosurgereon (DGNC)

Certified in Superspecialization in Angioneurosurgery

Oncological Neurosurgeon (DGNC)

Certified in Superspecialization in Onconeurosurgery

Pediatric Neurosurgeon (DGNC and ESPN)

ECFMG (USMLE, United States Medical Licensing Examination)

U.S.A. Medical Records.

Certified Neurosurgeon in Germany, Greece, Cameroon, Tanzania

Licensed to practice in Germany, Greece, Cameroon, Tanzania

Editorial Board Member

Editor of scientific journals

2010- Joined the editorial board of ISRN (International Scholarly Research Network)


2012-2013 Associate editor of OA Neurosurgery

2012-2015 Associate editor in OA Neurosurgical Sciences

2013- Referee Panel in Faculty of 1000 Research

2014- Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Neurological


2014- Editor of Edorium Journal of Neurosurgery

2014- Assistant Chief Editor of Journal of Acute Disease

2015- Editorial Board member, International Journal of Neurolog-

ical Disorders & Interventions

2015- Reviewer Central European Neurosurgery

2016- Editorial Board Member in SciTz Neurosurgery and Spine

2016- Reviewer of Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice

2016- Editorial Board Member of Neurosurgery Imaging and


2015- Reviewer, The American Journal of Sports Medicine

2017- Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Surgery

and Surgical Procedures

2015 Editorial board member at Journal of Neuroscience and

clinical research

Hospitals as Visiting Neurosurgeon

Visiting Neurosurgeon

March 2013 Helsinki Central Hospital, Finland, Neurosurgical Department

(Prof. J. Hernesniemi).

April 2014 Barrow Neurological Institute, Arizona , USA

(Prof. R. F. Spetzler)

1: Petridis AK, Kamp MA, Cornelius JF, Beez T, Beseoglu K, Turowski B, Steiger

HJ. aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2017 Mar.

31;114(13):226-236. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2017.0226. PMID: 28434443; PMCID:


2: Donaldson DM, Holtmann H, Nitschke J, Karadag C, Bostelmann R, Hartung B, Li

L, Petridis AK. The banality of head injury in The Punisher. lancet Neurol. 2021

Jul;20(7):509. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00160-5. PMID: 34146508.

3: van Lieshout JH, Dibué-Adjei M, Cornelius JF, Slotty PJ, Schneider T, Restin

T, Boogaarts HD, Steiger HJ, Petridis AK, Kamp MA.

pathophysiology of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.Neurosurg Rev. 2018

Oct;41(4):917-930. doi: 10.1007/s10143-017-0827-y. epub 2017 Feb 18. PMID:


4: Steinmann J, Hartung B, Bostelmann R, Kaschner M, Karadag C, Muhammad S, Li

L, Büttner A, Petridis AK. Rupture of intracranial aneurysms in patients with

Blunt head trauma: review of the literature. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2020

Dec;199:106208. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.106208. epub 2020 Sep 9. PMID:


5: Li L, Hofmann BB, Fischer I, Donaldson DM, Engel A, Karadag C, Wetzel-Yalelis

A, Piedade GS, Mijderwijk HJ, Bostelmann R, Kaschner MG, Muhammad S, Hänggi D,

Cornelius JF, Petridis AK. asymmetry of P1 and vertebral arteries is not related

to basilar tip aneurysm development or rupture. Acta Neurochir (Vienna). 2021

Mar;163(3):805-812. doi: 10.1007/s00701-020-020-04593-2. Epub 2020 Oct 6. PMID:

33025090; PMCID: PMC7886757.

6: Wetzel-Yalelis A, Karadag C, Li L, Turowski B, Bostelmann R, Abusabha Y,

Hofmann BB, Gousias K, Agrawal R, König M, Kaiser M, Mijderwijk HJ, Petridis AK.

The rupture of an anterior communicating artery aneurysm does not associate with

an asymmetry in the A1 or A2 arteries: a retrospective study of radiological

Features. br J Neurosurg. 2021 Dec 21:1-6. doi: 10.1080/02688697.2021.2016624.

Epub ahead of print.PMID: 34933612.

7: Mijderwijk HJ, Fischer I, Zhivotovskaya A, Bostelmann R, Steiger HJ,

Cornelius JF, Petridis AK. Prognostic Model for Chronic Shunt-Dependent

Hydrocephalus After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. world neurosurg. 2019

Jan 10:S1878-8750(19)30024-5. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.12.156. Epub ahead of

PMID: 30639492.

8: Khan MO, Toro Arana V, Rubbert C, Cornelius JF, Fischer I, Bostelmann R,

Mijderwijk HJ, Turowski B, Steiger HJ, May R, Petridis AK. association between

aneurysm hemodynamics and wall enhancement on 3D vessel wall MRI. J Neurosurg.

2020 Jan 10:1-11. doi: 10.3171/2019.10.JNS191251. doi: 10.3171/2019.10.JNS191251. Epub ahead of print.PMID:


9: Maslehaty H, Schultheiss S, Scholz M, Petridis AK.

Orbit in Human Cadavers-An Endoscopic Pictorial Documentation. J Neurol Surg B

Skull Base. 2018 Apr;79(2):173-176. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1606294. epub 2017 Aug

28. PMID: 29868323; PMCID: PMC5978861.

10: Fung C, Mavrakis E, Filis A, Fischer I, Suresh M, Tortora A, Cornelius JF,

Bostelmann R, Gralla J, Beck J, Raabe A, Khan MO, Steiger HJ, Petridis AK.

Anatomical evaluation of intracranial aneurysm rupture risk in patients with

multiple aneurysms. neurosurg Rev. 2019 Jun;42(2):539-547. doi:

10.1007/s10143-018-0998-1. Epub 2018 Jun 30. PMID: 29959638.

11: van Lieshout JH, Pumplün I, Fischer I, Kamp MA, Cornelius JF, Steiger HJ,

Boogaarts HD, Petridis AK, Beseoglu K. Volume of cerebrospinal fluid drainage as

a predictor for pretreatment aneurysmal rebleeding.J Neurosurg. 2018

Jun;128(6):1778-1784. doi: 10.3171/2017.2.JNS162748. epub 2017 Aug 11. PMID:


12: Maslehaty H, Capone C, Frantsev R, Fischer I, Jabbarli R, Cornelius JF, Kamp

MA, Cappabianca P, Sure U, Steiger HJ, Petridis AK.

factors for rupture in middle cerebral artery mirror bifurcation aneurysms.J

Neurosurg. 2018 Jun;128(6):1799-1807. doi: 10.3171/2017.2.JNS162705. epub 2017

Aug 25. PMID: 28841119.

13: Steiger HJ, Petridis AK, Tortora A, Mijderwijk HJ, Beseoglu K, van Lieshout

JH, Kamp MA, Fischer I. Meteorological factors for subarachnoid hemorrhage in

the greater Düsseldorf area revisited: a machine learning approach to predict

the probability of admission of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Acta

Neurochir (Vienna). 2020 Jan;162(1):187-195. doi: 10.1007/s00701-019-04128-4. Epub

2019 Nov 23. PMID: 31760531.

14: Vourla E, Filis A, Cornelius JF, Bostelmann R, Turowski B, Kalakoti P,

Rubbert C, Suresh MP, Tortora A, Steiger HJ, Petridis AK.

Novo Aneurysm Formation in Patients with Treated Aneurysmatic Subarachnoid

Hemorrhage: a Ten-Year Follow-Up. world neurosurg. 2019 Feb;122:e291-e295. doi:

10.1016/j.wneu.2018.10.022. epub 2018 Oct 12. PMID: 30321678.

15: Petridis AK, Suresh MP, Cornelius JF, Bostelmann R, Dibué-Adjei M, Li L,

Kamp MA, Steiger HJ, Turowski B, May R. Cavernous brain malformations and their

relation to black blood MRI in respect to vessel wall contrast enhancement. Chin

Neurosurg J. 2018 May 8;4:10. doi: 10.1186/s41016-018-0116-9. PMID: 32922871;

PMCID: PMC7398178.

16: Petridis AK, Anokhin M, Vavruska J, Mahvash M, Scholz M. The value of

Intraoperative sonography in low grade glioma surgery. Clin Neurol Neurosurg.

2015 Apr;131:64-8. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.02.004. epub 2015 Feb 11. PMID:


17: Eckert T, von Cosel J, Kamps B, Siebert HC, Zhang R, Zhang N, Gousias K,

Petridis AK, Kanakis D, Falahati K. Evidence for Quantum Chemical Effects in

Receptor-Ligand Binding Between Integrin and Collagen Fragments - A

Computational Investigation With an Impact on Tissue Repair, Neurooncolgy and

Glycobiology. front mol biosci. 2021 Nov 16;8:756701. doi:

10.3389/fmolb.2021.756701. PMID: 34869589; PMCID: PMC8637888.

18: Liebig KN, Maslehaty H, Petridis AK, Konen W, Scholz M. Comparison of two

algorithms for the application of real-time image mosaicking in neuroendoscopy.

J Neurosurg. 2014 Sep;121(3):688-99. doi: 10.3171/2014.5.JNS121788. epub 2014

Jul 4. PMID: 24995784.

19: Kinzel A, Spangenberg P, Lutz S, Lücke S, Harders A, Scholz M, Petridis AK.

Microsurgical and histological identification and definition of an interdural

incision zone in the dorsolateral cavernous sinus. Acta Neurochir (Vienna). 2015

Sep;157(8):1359-67; discussion 1367. doi: 10.1007/s00701-015-2467-8. Epub 2015

Jun 12. PMID: 26066535.

20: van Lieshout JH, Fischer I, Kamp MA, Donders ART, Cornelius JF, Steiger HJ,

Boogaarts HD, Petridis AK. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Germany Between 2010 and

2013: Estimated Incidence Rates Based on a Nationwide Hospital Discharge

Registry. world neurosurg. 2017 Aug;104:516-521. doi:

10.1016/j.wneu.2017.05.061. Epub 2017 May 19. PMID: 28532918.

21: van Lieshout JH, Bruland I, Fischer I, Cornelius JF, Kamp MA, Turowski B,

Tortora A, Steiger HJ, Petridis AK. Increased mortality of patients with

aneurysmatic subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by prolonged transport time to a

high-volume neurosurgical unit. am j emerg med. 2017 Jan;35(1):45-50. doi:

10.1016/j.ajem.2016.09.067. Epub 2016 Sep 30. PMID: 27742521.

22: Petridis AK, Fischer I, Cornelius JF, Kamp MA, Ringel F, Tortora A, Steiger

HJ. Demographic distribution of hospital admissions for brain arteriovenous

malformations in Germany--estimation of the natural course with the big-data

approach. acta Neurochir (Vienna). 2016 Apr;158(4):791-796. doi:

10.1007/s00701-016-2727-2. Epub 2016 Feb 13. PMID: 26873715.

Microsurgical clipping of aneurysms

Artheriovenous malformations of the brain

Brain vessels

Hyperarachnoid hemorrhage

Oncological neurosurgery