Paediatric Surgery
Why choose us?

Thanks to our extensive experience in reference centres in Greece and abroad, we are able to treat surgically all premature or full-term newborns, as well as infants and children of all ages up to adolescence.

The complete and modern technological equipment of the Hospital allows endoscopic interventions (posterior urethral valves, diagnostic and therapeutic cystoscopies, injection of special substances for control of vesicoureteral reflux), as well as laparoscopic techniques (appendectomy, inguinal hernias, intra-abdominal testicles, cystic and compact abdominal mass).

Advanced techniques
In our Hospital, more than 300 paediatric surgery operations are performed annually. In most of them, the advanced endoscopic, laparoscopic and minimal surgical techniques allow us to minimize, on the one hand, the morbidity of our young patients and, on the other hand, to limit their hospitalisation to one or a few days.

For any information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secretariat of the Department
+30 2310 390 766 | +30 2310 380 000

What is paediatric surgery?

Paediatric surgery is not just "surgery for children". It is the complex specialty that deals with a variety of cases in the ages of 0-18 years. The Paediatric Surgery Department of St. Luke's Hospital makes sure that each child receives unique care, covering a wide range of general paediatric surgery and paediatric urology.

Department and human resources

Both the medical and nursing staff are trained and always ready to welcome all children, making them feel comfortable, even when going through difficult times.

Individualised care with respect to our young patients.

Philosophy of the Paediatric Surgery Department

On a daily basis, St. Luke's Hospital welcomes a sufficient number of young patients with major and minor injuries for thorough examination, immediate treatment and, if necessary, hospitalisation. To every child who comes for help, our philosophy is an immediate individualised response, with respect to the patient and the entire family.

What makes our Paediatric Surgery Department stand out

The Paediatric Surgery Department of St. Luke's Hospital is the only private centre, outside Athens, which performs successfully the following:

• Paediatric surgery oncology (neuroblastoma, nephroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma)

• The surgical treatment of anorectal abnormalities

Extensive experience of our staff in all kinds of childhood diseases.

In addition, obstructive uropathies, both at the level of the kidney and at the level of the bladder, are treated endoscopically or with minimally invasive surgical techniques.

Contact and additional information

The heads of the department are at your disposal for any questions, queries or appointments at the call centre +30 2310-380000. The examinations are performed daily, with speed and reliability.

The recently renovated and state-of-the-art Paediatric Department collaborates excellently with the Paediatric Surgery Department and is on the 3rd floor of the Hospital.

Doctors of the department:

Doctors of the department:

Useful tips for your hospitalization


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+30 2310 390 766
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