
Pediatrician (Child and adolescent physician) Specialization: Infectious Disease Specialist


Pediatrician (Child and adolescent physician) Specialization: Infectious Disease Specialist
Greek, German, English
Pediatrician (Child and adolescent physician) Specialization: Infectious Disease Specialist
Greek, German, English

Short CV

Christos Thanos is a Pediatrician, specialized in Germany in Infectious Diseases and in Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.

The doctor is a graduate of the Democritus University of Thrace (2003-2009). In the context of his specialization in Pediatrics and his specialization, he worked in Germany in academic hospitals of the University of Münster (with two years of work experience in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Level 1 & in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) (2014 - 2019).

- Pediatric Clinic, Klinikum Dortmund Universität Münster (06.2014 - 03.2019)

- Pediatric Clinic, Klinikum Hochsauerland Universität Münster (04.2012 -


- Pediatric Clinic, Klinikum Westmünsterland Universität Münster (04.2011 -


In 2017 he also volunteered in refugee centres in Dortmund as a paediatrician, and before starting his paediatric residency (12.2010 - 03.2011) he worked as a trainee doctor in the private practice for children and adolescents of Prof. Dr. Stefan Eber in Munich.

From 01.06.2019 until 31.05.2023 he was a private specialist in paediatrics and adolescence in a paediatric clinic in Berlin, while since October 2022 he maintains his private practice in Kalamaria. In December 2022 he started working as a Pediatrician at the "Agios Loukas" Clinic in Thessaloniki.

In the context of his further training, he has received a Certificate of Clinical Nutrition in Pediatrics after successful examinations (DGKJ) and recognition (Ärztekammer Westfallen Lippe), (2019) Certificate "Authorized Doctor Antibiotic Stewardship" in Pediatrics (DGPI) and recognition (Ärztekammer Westfallen Lippe), (2019), Certificate of Training of the KDBM of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens entitled "Social/emotional empowerment and mental resilience of children and adolescents in the context of the pandemic". (2021). She is an Authorized Associate of Test A (school readiness screening) (2020) and has attended Breastfeeding Counseling Clinics (IBCLC) (2020).

For any information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secretariat of Outpatient Medicine
+30 2310 390 766 | +30 2310 380 000

Christos Thanos is a Pediatrician, specialized in Germany in Infectious Diseases and in Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.

The doctor is a graduate of the Democritus University of Thrace (2003-2009). In the context of his specialization in Pediatrics and his specialization, he worked in Germany in academic hospitals of the University of Münster (with two years of work experience in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Level 1 & in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) (2014 - 2019).

- Pediatric Clinic, Klinikum Dortmund Universität Münster (06.2014 - 03.2019)

- Pediatric Clinic, Klinikum Hochsauerland Universität Münster (04.2012 -


- Pediatric Clinic, Klinikum Westmünsterland Universität Münster (04.2011 -


In 2017 he also volunteered in refugee centres in Dortmund as a paediatrician, and before starting his paediatric residency (12.2010 - 03.2011) he worked as a trainee doctor in the private practice for children and adolescents of Prof. Dr. Stefan Eber in Munich.

From 01.06.2019 until 31.05.2023 he was a private specialist in paediatrics and adolescence in a paediatric clinic in Berlin, while since October 2022 he maintains his private practice in Kalamaria. In December 2022 he started working as a Pediatrician at the "Agios Loukas" Clinic in Thessaloniki.

In the context of his further training, he has received a Certificate of Clinical Nutrition in Pediatrics after successful examinations (DGKJ) and recognition (Ärztekammer Westfallen Lippe), (2019) Certificate "Authorized Doctor Antibiotic Stewardship" in Pediatrics (DGPI) and recognition (Ärztekammer Westfallen Lippe), (2019), Certificate of Training of the KDBM of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens entitled "Social/emotional empowerment and mental resilience of children and adolescents in the context of the pandemic". (2021). She is an Authorized Associate of Test A (school readiness screening) (2020) and has attended Breastfeeding Counseling Clinics (IBCLC) (2020).