Pediatric Allergy Clinic

Pediatric - Allergology is one of the newest pediatric specialties, which was born
in recent years due to the rapid increase in children with allergic diseases. Plus,
with the specialized knowledge we have, we can deal holistically with these
children, as well as their families.

Who is it about
‍ Our clinic can take care of children from the first infancy to
and the age of 16. We undertake the full range of allergic diseases
childhood, such as:

the food allergy
allergic rhinitis
atopic dermatitis
the drug allergy
urticaria, whether acute or chronic

Diagnosis | What to expect
Many parents very easily attribute any symptom they will see in their child to a possible allergic disease.

Our goal is either to rule out the existence of an allergic disease, or to confirm it when it exists. For every child who visits our clinic:

we receive a complete allergic history the objective examination is carried out and
In order to make a diagnosis, it may be necessary to carry out the Skin Niping Procedures.

It is a painless and well tolerated procedure by children, which gives us the results within 15 minutes and practically raises sensitivities to a variety of allergens.

* In the case of children with allergic asthma, there is the possibility of carrying out

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Surgery and rehabilitation of a patient with leiomyosarcoma in the knee.

- binteo -

Find out about the new Child - Allergology clinic of the Clinic “AGIOS LOUKAS”

Schedule your examination at the Pediatric Allergology Clinic of our Clinic.

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-Where we diverge-
Why choose the Clinic “AGIOS LUCAS”?
Specialized Center

Our specialized knowledge derived from experience and continuing education abroad,
It enables us to treat children with allergic diseases holistically, but also their families. Our Clinic is one of the few structures in Northern Greece that
specializes in Pediatric Allergy, offering solutions to children and their families.

Immediate and holistic treatment

The inseparable relationship of the Pediatric Allergology Clinic with the Pediatric Department, both in terms of human resources and infrastructure, enables us to deal with all incidents that may arise. We can attend in emergency cases an emergency case of an acute allergic reaction and, in cooperation with the Clinic's pediatricians, provide immediate and personalized care to our Patients.

Personalized Care

Every child has different needs and we should not give the same instructions in every situation. We, for our part, inform the family and the child about all treatment options, and they in turn choose the treatment that best suits their needs.

- personal -
Our people

“We must not forget that in the cases of these children their quality of life, but also that of their family, is disturbed to a considerable extent. These families live daily with the stress of a possible allergic reaction and cannot enjoy simple activities, like most children.

For our part, we help them feel safe through the organized action plan, we inform them about all the therapeutic possibilities we have, and we see which one best suits their situation.”

- Maria Nivatsi, Specialist Pediatrician - Child - Allergist

Postgraduate at Imperial College (London), Scientific Manager of the Pediatric Allergology Clinic “AGIOS LOUKAS”

Georgios Grammatikos

Specialist Hepatologist, Gastroenterologist
Top Athletes Choosing Stem Cell Therapy


Patient Impressions

“Excellent doctor with a lot of knowledge on the subject and most importantly with a love for what he does. Always willing to help us in whatever we need and reassure us.”
-Irene M.
Thank you very much!
“A wonderful doctor with great experience and above all human! He found a solution to our problem immediately! Very pleasant with children, patient and explanatory. I recommend it unreservedly!”
-Vasilis P.
Thank you very much!
“She is a wonderful and flawless scientist, who is there at any time to help you with whatever you need. And above all a wonderful and sweet person. Congratulations on her professionalism!”
-Aspasia K.
Thank you very much!

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