COVID-19 and safety: tips for travelling, visiting a restaurant and more.

COVID-19 and safety: tips for travelling, visiting a restaurant and more.

August 6, 2024

With the relaxation of prevention measures against the new coronavirus, many of us are asking ourselves what our behaviour in public places should be from now on, protecting our health first.

Before you go out

Follow the instructions of the Ministry of Health. Valid sources of information can be found on the Ministry of Health website or other validated health care providers. Find out about possible restrictions locally or at specific facilities.

The best way to protect yourself from SARS-CoV-2 is to avoid exposure to it. In other words, avoid places where you are likely to catch the virus. If you do go outside, wear a mask and keep the necessary distance (2 meters) from those around you, especially if there are cases of coronavirus in your community. This is even more true for those already suffering from serious illnesses, chronic or otherwise. Avoid contact with people who are sick or have symptoms. Also, avoid large events and mass gatherings.

Good hygiene is just as important. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer that contains a minimum of 60% alcohol. Cover your mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze and wash your hands immediately. Also, do not touch your mouth, nose and eyes with your hands.  

If you feel sick or have a cold, stay home. Do not visit public places unless you are going to the hospital. Finally, if you are sick, avoid public transport.

Those who belong to vulnerable groups are better off staying at home as long as they can, away from family members who inevitably come into contact with people.

Tips when visiting public places

The following are some prevention tips against SARS-CoV-2 when visiting various public places.  


Before you travel, check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Also check your airline's website for further advice and guidance. Remember that the country you will be visiting has its own regulations regarding SARS-CoV-2 prevention.

Be aware of the risks involved in each type of travel: by plane, boat, train, car or bus. A crowded flight can put you at high risk for the new coronavirus. Trains and buses usually involve a long journey, which can potentially mean more exposure time to the virus, so more chance of catching it. Travelling by car usually involves frequent stops, so exposing ourselves in public places.

If you are planning to book a hotel room, visit the hotel's website and read carefully about the accommodation's precautionary measures, as well as about the premises that operate within the hotel. It would be best to take clean toiletries or other supplies you deem necessary. When you enter your accommodation, disinfect all surfaces, especially those considered to be in common use, such as the door knob or remote control. Wash glasses or plates before using them. Finally, check the hotel's cancellation policy before making your reservation.


Before you go to a restaurant, check the safety practices to prevent transmission of the new coronavirus:

  • Do employees wear masks?
  • Are common surfaces disinfected?
  • Do the tables have the right distance between them?
  • Is there proper ventilation?
  • Is the catalogue digital or disposable?

Ideally, the restaurant you choose should not have salad bars, buffets or
other areas where there is an initiative in service. If you nevertheless have to wait in line, maintain a distance of at least two feet from others. If feasible, prefer contactless payment.

When ordering from home, opt for electronic payment to limit contact with others. Also, if possible, ask to have the order dropped off outside the home. Otherwise, maintain a distance of at least two feet from the employee.  

Places of worship

Before you visit a place of worship, check that the guidelines on the size of congregations are being followed. Prefer larger spaces with good ventilation and keep the necessary distances from others. In cases where food is offered, give preference to packaged products.

Outdoor markets and supermarkets

Visit open-air markets such as farmers' markets, grocery stores or fishmongers' shops with care. For greater protection, avoid peak times. Prefer to shop early in the morning or late in the afternoon when there are fewer people around. If you are in a vulnerable group, ask someone else to help you or look for shops that offer online ordering and home delivery.

At the supermarket, disinfect your basket or the bar from which you hold your trolley. If possible, pay by avoiding contact with coins or notes. Disinfect your hands once you have finished shopping and after you get home.  

Clinic "St. Luke's"

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This is some text inside of a div block.
Clinic "St. Luke's"

August 6, 2024

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