Obstetrics Department

With state-of-the-art equipment, constantly renewed and in a warm and
friendly environment, the Obstetrics Department of the "AGIOS LOUKAS" Clinic ensures new mothers the
safety and security they need in the sweetest moment of their lives.

More than 30,000 babies have been born in the Obstetrics Department of "AGIOS LOUKAS" since
1975 when the Clinic opened its doors. The department is fully in tune with
modern developments in science, staffed by medical and nursing personnel who are well
trained and qualified.

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For any information please call us at 2310 390766 or fill in the contact form and we will call you!

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- Obstetrics Department -
Why choose us?
Comprehensive care

The department has highly trained and specialized medical and nursing staff of all specialties, capable of managing any complication. In addition, the fully equipped Intensive Care Units are available at any time if necessary.

Long experience

Since the department's inception, more than 30,000 births have taken place.

Friendly Environment

In a warm and friendly environment, the Obstetrics Department ensures new mothers the safety and security they need in the sweetest moment of their lives. It has single and double rooms. All rooms have a balcony with beautiful sea views.

Constant support to the new mother

From the first moment of pregnancy until the new mother leaves the Clinic, we are
by her side in every way:

1. Prenatal check
2. Pregnancy classes
3. Guidance of the new mother in her new role, as well as in breastfeeding

For information call us
Daily 9.00 to 17.00
+30 2310 390 970

Childbirth courses

For pregnant women who wish to prepare themselves for the process of childbirth, the care of the newborn and breastfeeding, free courses are held at the Obstetrics Department of the "St.Luke's" Clinic in order to help mothers enter this period of their lives more smoothly and without stress. Expectant mothers are informed about:

✅ nutrition
✅ care
✅ examinations during pregnancy
✅ the mechanism of childbirth
✅ the essentials they need during their stay in the maternity hospital
✅ the care and care of the baby

The experience of Eftychis and Electra from the birth of their daughter in the Obstetrics Department of our Clinic!
Georgia's experience of the birth of her baby at the "Agios Loukas" Clinic


We invite you to come and see our facilities and have tour in our premises, any time and day of the week you wish.

Rooming In

In the Obstetrics Department of the "Agios Loukas" Clinic, the possibility of rooming in is provided, i.e. the stay of the baby close to its mother 24 hours a day, in the same room,
in a special swing. Rooming in is considered by experts to be one of the prerequisites for successful exclusive breastfeeding of the baby and for this reason it is recommended to new mothers, when they are able to take care of the baby from the first moment of its birth.

Childbirth in water

Childbirth in water is a perfectly accepted scientific method of normal childbirth, recognized and applied for years both in America and Europe.Childbirth in water means that both the process of odes and the process of extrusion, when it is safe from a medical point of view, take place in a specially designed swimming pool, in water temperature 37-38 °C.The epitokos has the ability to move freely and does not use drugs. The calming effect of water, the low lighting, the soft music, as well as the constant presence and active participation of the father in the whole process, ensures for the most part the necessary conditions for a beautiful birth, without stress and tension.

We stand beside you with daily interest

At the ''Agios Loukas'' Clinic we know that the birth of a child, apart from being a very pleasant moment for the family, can create stress and pressure for new parents.

We are at your side with daily interest to solve any questions you may have at this important moment of your life! There is an opportunity for a presentation of both the Obstetrics and Midwifery Department and full information about all our services, so that any questions you may have can be answered!

After the birth, we take care of all the paperwork that parents need to do. In this way, we relieve dad of these formal but essential actions, so that he can have his undivided attention on mom, the new family member and the needs that arise.

Services are extended after the birth and the end of your stay at the Clinic. During the postpartum period, we offer the opportunity for a midwife from the Clinic to visit you at your place and help you with breastfeeding, changing the baby, behaviour and coping with your new daily routine.

Our people


Moms' Impressions

Everyone in the clinic greeted me with a smile and immediately helped me eliminate all my anxiety. A big thank you to Helen, my midwife, who stood by me throughout the operation (caesarean), in response to my every concern.

I don't think I could make a better choice. I didn't regret it for a moment!
Again thanks for everything!

After this experience I am sure where I will go for the second child!
- Petroula
... God bless you all!
On 20/03/2019 I gave birth to my daughter in the best possible conditions. This is due to the help and excellent service and encouragement of all the
staff at the Clinic. Everyone without exception are excellent knowledgeable in their field. A huge thank you to the midwives who embraced me and supported me unconditionally and to my doctor who made every effort to bring my baby into the world with a normal delivery.
- New mom

... God bless you all!!!
Midwives are very kind and helpful, willing to help and answer questions. I thank them very much from the bottom of my heart.
- Maria
Always, our first choice...

For any information please call us at 2310 390766 or fill in the contact form and we will call you!

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*The offer is valid for reservations made from July 26 to August 31, 2021. The use of the discount can take place until March 31, 2022.

**The discount is for pregnant women with a possible date of birth until March 31, 2022.

The deduction does not apply to doctors' fees, as well as the optional examination of metabolic diseases.

Discounts do not add up. In case a resident is entitled to more than one discount,
the largest discount is calculated.