International Patients

Patients from abroad

At St. Luke's Hospital we welcome many patients from abroad. The hospital staff is by your side to help you and your family before you arrive at the Hospital, during your appointments and after your return home. The Hospital staff is multilingual and will be happy to serve you.

The staff responsible for International Patients will arrange your appointment, find interpreters, guide you in organizing your trip and accommodation and answer any questions you may have regarding charges and insurance coverage. It will also give you all the necessary information about hotels, restaurants, entertainment, banks and places of worship in the wider area.

Necessary patient information

We will need the following information from you before you book your medical appointment:

Make an appointment - Contact the Hospital
+30 2310 380 000

Patients from abroad with private insurance or without insurance

If you have health insurance, we will print out all necessary documents and send them either to your insurance company or directly to you.

If you do not have health insurance, you will need to pay a deposit before your first appointment. This amount will be deducted from the final amount you will have to pay.

Our staff will answer any questions you may have about charges, payments, refunds and other issues. You will have to pay your bill in full at the end of your visit.

Effective planning

In most cases, you will receive the diagnosis and treatment on the same visit. Usually, doctors report the results of diagnostic tests to patients one or two days after the completion of the examination. The schedule of appointments can often be compressed into a short period of time for international patients. This means less time away from home, less expenses and more efficient use of patients' time and their family members.