Health Card

Health Card

Health BONUS

On the occasion of the International Women's Day, St. Luke's Hospital offers the following gynaecological examinations at reduced prices!

Click here to see the exams in detail

The card has an annual fee of 70€ and is renewed every year. Especially for families wishing to participate in the BONUS health programme , the subscription fee is €60 per person.

BONUS health programme holders receive regular electronic updates on the benefits and exclusive privileges to which they are entitled, so that they can make use of them throughout the year. They are also informed in good time of the expiry and renewal date of their annual subscription, so that their participation in the BONUS health benefits programme can continue uninterrupted.

Free check-up once a year.
See what the offer includes:

Two free visits for a clinical examination every year and a special price of €20 from the third visit (to a GP, cardiologist, gynaecologist or paediatrician) for planned and emergency cases.

Specialprice of €20 from the third visit (to a GP, cardiologist, gynaecologist or paediatrician) for planned and emergency cases.

Free 24-hour health line.

Free ambulance within the prefecture of Thessaloniki in case of emergency admission.

Special price 20 € for clinical examination in our outpatient clinics
(to a surgeon, orthopedist, urologist and otolaryngologist) by appointment.

20% discount on outpatient examinations, nursing procedures and issuing of medical certificates.

10% discount on hospital fees after one year of membership.

Special offers throughout the year:
Mammography & Breast Ultrasound: 45€
Full Gynaecological Check Up: 100€
Full Cardiological Check Up: 100€


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