instructions to patients

COVID-19: Your safety is our top priority.

We are committed to keeping you safe.

Learn more

New Visit Policy:
At St. Luke's Hospital we have taken all  necessary measures and precautions, suggested by experts, in order to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19.

Visitor Prohibition Policy:
During the pandemic, for safety reasons, we have banned visits to the Hospital. This measure is necessary to ensure that both our patients and our staff remain safe.

-Instructions to the Patients-
New Visitor Policy

Your safety is our top priority

We have taken all necessary measures and precautions suggested by experts, to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19.

When visiting the Hospital, you will notice that:

Upon arrival at the Hospital

Our staff will welcome you and guide you when entering the Hospital. You will be asked about possible exposure to the virus or any symptoms in recent days and your temperature will be measured.

If the entrance check is completed smoothly, our staff will remind you of some important safety guidelines during your stay at the Hospital, including the use of a mask in all areas, social distancing and visitor policy. Then, you can then head to the place of your scheduled appointment. If you experience symptoms, you must immediately head to a specially designed area next to the entrance, for additional covid-19 testing, if needed.

While waiting

 We have taken all necessary precautions in the waiting areas. More specifically, you will notice that:

During your appointment

During your examination by the Hospital doctors, all necessary protection measures will be taken. More specifically:

The use of the mask is mandatory for both patients and staff.


No-visitor policy

During the pandemic, for safety reasons, we have banned visits to the Hospital. This measure is necessary to ensure that both our patients and staff remain safe. In this way, we minimize the number of people who are on our premises and, therefore, significantly reduce the risk of spreading the virus. This means that, if you have a medical appointment, you will have to come on your own. An exception is made only in the following cases: