


Greek, English, German
Greek, English, German

Short CV

Mr Dimitrios Eleftheriadis, PhD, specializes in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology and works as an external collaborator in the gastroenterology department of the clinic "Agios Loukas" from September 2023. He has extensive experience in the treatment of diseases of the liver and the gastrointestinal system in general as well as in interventional endoscopy. After graduating from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2003, he performed the first part of his residency at the general hospital of his hometown in Serres to continue his residency in Oberhausen, Germany until 2015, when he received the title of gastroenterologist. A year later he completed his PhD thesis on the incidence of diabetes and prediabetes in chronic hepatopathy under the supervision of Professor C. Niederau, a professor of hepatology, known for his work on rare metabolic liver diseases. Mr. Eleftheriadis continued as a gastroenterology specialist and attending physician B at the gastroenterology and hepatology clinic of the University Hospital of Essen from 2017 until 2020, gaining extensive experience in the treatment of the most common but also rarer liver diseases, as well as in the care of patients after liver transplantation. He continued as an attending A as well as head of the endoscopic department of a hospital in Dinslaken, Germany, where he performed a large number of endoscopic procedures, delving into diagnostic and interventional endoscopic ultrasound and ERCP. His goal is to provide the best possible care to every patient every day, using his experience and scientific knowledge, driven by his interest in people. When he is not in the clinic, he chooses to spend time with his wife and daughter. 

For any information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Outpatient Department Secretary's office.
+30 2310 390 766 | +30 2310 380 000

Mr Dimitrios Eleftheriadis, PhD, specializes in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology and works as an external collaborator in the gastroenterology department of the clinic "Agios Loukas" from September 2023. He has extensive experience in the treatment of diseases of the liver and the gastrointestinal system in general as well as in interventional endoscopy. After graduating from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2003, he performed the first part of his residency at the general hospital of his hometown in Serres to continue his residency in Oberhausen, Germany until 2015, when he received the title of gastroenterologist. A year later he completed his PhD thesis on the incidence of diabetes and prediabetes in chronic hepatopathy under the supervision of Professor C. Niederau, a professor of hepatology, known for his work on rare metabolic liver diseases. Mr. Eleftheriadis continued as a gastroenterology specialist and attending physician B at the gastroenterology and hepatology clinic of the University Hospital of Essen from 2017 until 2020, gaining extensive experience in the treatment of the most common but also rarer liver diseases, as well as in the care of patients after liver transplantation. He continued as an attending A as well as head of the endoscopic department of a hospital in Dinslaken, Germany, where he performed a large number of endoscopic procedures, delving into diagnostic and interventional endoscopic ultrasound and ERCP. His goal is to provide the best possible care to every patient every day, using his experience and scientific knowledge, driven by his interest in people. When he is not in the clinic, he chooses to spend time with his wife and daughter. 

St. Marien and St. Josef Hospital in Oberhausen, Germany, Director Professor C. Niederau, 2010-2017 

Attending physician at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the University Hospital Essen, Germany, Director Professor G. Gerken and later Professor H. Wedemeyer, 2017-2020 

Senior Attending and Head of Endoscopy at the Department of Pathology, St. Vinzenz Hospital Dinslaken, Germany, 2020-2023


EUS advanced level in Luebeck, Germany, 11/2015 

Abdominal ultrasound with contrast in Dueren, Germany, 07/2018 

ESD (submucosal dissection technique) at St. Anna Clinic in Herne, Germany, 11/2019 

Hot-Axios-Stent® in Hanau, Germany, 09/2022

N. Argentou, G. Germanidis, T. Vassiliadis, K. Patsiaura, K. Mantzoukis, K. Ritis, D. Eleftheriadis et al. Liver PD-1/PDL-1/PD-L2 MRNA Expression quantitative Analysis in Patients with chronic HBV and HCV Hepatitis. Journal of Hepatology 2010; 52: 612

- S. Bedreli, D. Eleftheriadis, M. Jahn, A. Canbay, F. Saner, A. Katsounas. Analysis of Ascites-Challenged Blood In Patients With Liver Cirrhosis Using Rotational Thromboelastometry: How Robust Is The Evidence on Ascites-Attributed Fibrinolysis? Digestion 2021; 102(6):854-859.

- D. Eleftheriadis, Christina Imalis, Guido Gerken, Heiner Wedemeyer, Jan Duerig. risk factors for post-polypectomy bleeding; a retrospective case-control study of high-volume colonoscopy center. z Gastroenterol 2022; 60(10): 1475-1482

  • Hepatology / Hepatology 
  • Diagnostical and interventional endosonography / diagnostic and interventional endoscopic ultrasound 
  • Diseases of bile ducts and pancreas 
  • Functional disorders of esophagus / Functional disorders of esophagus
  • Barrett's Esophagus / Barrett's Esophagus