45 Years! Clinic "Agios Loukas" - the Clinic that is different

45 Years! Clinic "Agios Loukas" - the Clinic that is different

November 27, 2020

Some time ago, 45 years have passed since the "Agios Loukas" Clinic opened its doors in Panorama, Thessaloniki. It was a difficult effort, but it had a specific vision. And there were mainly three objectives that were set from the very first moment, so that the course of this Clinic would be different from the established ones in our country.

The first objective was that the profits from this business should not go into the pockets of private individuals. The main shareholder of the Clinic (in fact the sole shareholder) is a United States "non-profit" legal entity. This means in practice that any profits are used in two ways: a portion goes back to the Clinic for renewal, expansion, modernization, etc. And another portion is allocated to other charitable causes in various parts of the world, with no individuals who are earning the profits for their own benefit.

The second aim was to bring back to the fore and renew the well-known vision of Florence Nightingale - the first woman to conceive the idea of the nurse during the Crimean War. At that time, that is, when nursing the sick, from being an ordinary, unpleasant and sketchy activity, became an art, slowly became a science and was combined with the element of concern, affection and love for the suffering person, as Jesus Christ had also taught and practised in His life.

The third and last objective was to make an effort to treat the patient not only with the element of care for the restoration of the functions of his body, exclusively, but also to take into account the other needs that the person has, whether these are mental or spiritual. That is, the care of the whole human personality and not just the treatment of it in parts.

With these goals and with these thoughts (one could add: and with these ideals), "SAINT LUKE" was created and operated for forty-five years. After such a long time, perhaps the time has come for an evaluation to review the course, mentality and results to date. That is, to assess the work that has been done and to examine whether or not the objectives that were set from the outset have been achieved.

If someone were to ask us to give a characterization to the "Agios Lukas" Clinic, as it has appeared in the nursing scene of Northern Greece in the last 45 years, we would use the term: "The Clinic that is different". Please be careful. This does not mean that "St. Luke's" is a better clinic than some others. But it does mean that it is different. And its difference consists precisely in the attempt to achieve, to satisfy, perhaps even just to access to some extent the three objectives mentioned above. The question that remains is whether this has been done and, if so, to what extent.

Of course, as in all things in this world and in all endeavours, achievements and visions, evaluation and assessment is a purely subjective phenomenon. Some will say of "St. Luke's" that it is a common and ordinary clinic. Others, it is not excluded, will use other kinds of characterizations - often the result of criticism is a function of both the personality and expectations of the critic.

What would satisfy us, however, would be if everyone agreed that "St. Luke's" is "the Clinic that is different". We will say it one more time so that it is absolutely clear. Not necessarily better than some others. But different nonetheless. That is, "the clinic that is different".

Demosthenes Katsarkas Director of the "Agios Loukas" Clinic

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Demosthenes Katsarkas Director of the "Agios Loukas" Clinic

November 27, 2020

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