We all experience stress from time to time. Stress is a physiological defence mechanism of the body against imminent threats. It is therefore to be expected to feel anxiety and stress at certain phases of life, especially when the daily rhythms of life cause it. However, when it crosses the line and affects quality of life, it may be a sign that it is an anxiety disorder. So let's look at when anxiety crosses these boundaries and how we can deal with it.
What is stress?

Anxiety is a pervasive, unpleasant, often vague feeling, manifested by agitation, fear and worry, and most often accompanied by physical symptoms (tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, digestive internal disturbances, dry mouth, paleness, tremor, headache, etc.).
Anxiety is one of the most common human emotions, as it is a warning sign to the body when there is danger. Therefore, when it is at normal levels, it is a beneficial motive force, as it increases the performance of human functions. However, when it exceeds the normal limits and becomes persistent, it reduces performance and causes uncomfortable situations in the individual. The task is to find the balance so that one can face the challenges of life without suffering.
What are the causes of anxiety?
The main factors that predispose to the development of stress are:
- Genetic predisposition
- Personality
- Lifestyle, stressful events, trauma
- Physical conditions (chronic and non-chronic)
Of interest is the process by which psychological and environmental factors influence cellular function at the DNA level. Through this process, the biological ability to tolerate stress during life is potentially undermined, even if there is no genetic predisposition.
One of the most important and frequent mechanisms that cause persistent and chronic stress has to do with the so-called "superego" of man. This mechanism involves deeper states of human existence and concerns the individual's non-conformity with internalized moral norms and supposedly "right" and "perfect" standards of behavior. This causes the individual to have a constant sense of being far from the 'ideal', 'right' and 'perfect' and creates in a complex way a feeling of inadequacy. Thus, the individual has a constant anxiety and frustration at not achieving the 'shoulds' imposed on him by himself, his surroundings and society.
How will I know if I have anxiety?

Stress directly affects both the physical and mental functions of a person. Thus, during an anxiety attack, one is likely to observe one or more of the following manifestations:
- Intense agitation
- Inability to concentrate
- Zali
- Shipping
- Strawberry
- Dry mouth
- Chest pain
- Dyspnea
- Sweating
- Fainting
- Headache
- Intestinal and/or stomach upset
Note that an anxiety crisis is different from a panic attack. Usually, a panic attack occurs suddenly, with much more intense, shorter lasting and uncontrollable symptoms. It is, however, possible for someone with an anxiety disorder to have a panic attack.
What are the long-term health effects of stress?
The more one remains at the mercy of his or her stress, the more the body is burdened and even risks developing a serious illness. Chronic stress causes the release of stress hormones (e.g. adrenaline and cortisol) on a regular basis, which in the long term are harmful to health and can lead to conditions such as:
- Sleep disorder
- Migraines
- Fatigue
- Irritable bowel
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Libido disorders
- Erectile dysfunction
- Irregularities
- Dermatological diseases
- Autoimmune disorders
When should I ask for help?

Usually, someone will seek help when the stress becomes excessive, persistent, unbearable and significantly affects their quality of life and functioning. However, it is advisable not to wait until it reaches this point. If he feels that seeing a specialist will help him, then it is advisable to go ahead.
Many people are reluctant to seek help from mental health professionals because they are ashamed or because they consider it taboo. One thing is for sure, not only is it not shameful to ask for support, but it is a sign of bravery. When one accepts their situation and seeks help from a specialist, they are already in the middle of a solution. The specialist assesses the situation and proposes an individualised intervention programme, which aims to improve symptoms at all levels.
What are the solutions?
The diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders is carried out by a specialist psychologist and a psychiatrist. Treatment includes psychotherapy and, if necessary, medication. With the help of the specialist, the person learns methods of coping with stressful situations, how to calm down and not to panic, and how to regulate his or her anxiety as a whole.
But one can also do some things on one's own as a supplement to manage one's stress. More specifically:
- Set realistic goals for the day and for life in general.
- Catch negative thoughts at their start by doing something different to distract from them.
- Seek relaxation and peace of mind through a walk, an interesting activity, and communication with loved ones.
- Establish a daily routine, with regular exercise, adequate sleep and healthy eating habits.
Mental health is an invaluable commodity. Deep down, each of us seeks inner peace and tranquility. However, various factors disturb this peace and lead us to stress and anxiety. If this becomes permanent and uncontrollable, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Nevertheless, we ourselves must change our attitude and realize that no matter how much we achieve in life, if we are not truly happy within ourselves, we will have achieved nothing. Therefore, we need to look deeper and seek with maturity and honesty what it is that will really give us true joy.