Why get the flu vaccine this year

Why get the flu vaccine this year

February 12, 2021

The possibility of a double pandemic

With the coronavirus pandemic entering its autumnal trajectory, health professionals across the country and around the world are preparing for a double epidemic of COVID-19 and influenza.

As this year's seasonal flu wave coincides with the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be a build-up of patients, putting additional pressure on hospitals where coronavirus patients are already being treated.

The good news is that while researchers are still looking for a vaccine against coronavirus, there is already a widely available flu vaccine. Getting a flu vaccination this year is vital, not only to keep us healthy, but also to relieve our overburdened healthcare system.

To learn more about why it's so important to get the flu vaccine, we spoke with Pulmonologist - Tuberculologist Vassilis Michaelides MD about vaccination and what we need to know about the potential double pandemic of influenza and coronavirus during the winter.

Why the flu vaccine is so important

First of all, we need to get the flu vaccine every year. It's just good practice, as Mr Michaelides explains. "Influenza is a very serious disease and, every year, about 40,000 or more people die from it. So we have to do everything we can to protect ourselves."

But it is particularly important this year, he continues. "We will have coexistence of influenza and COVID-19 and there is a lot of overlap between the symptoms. We also predict that there will be some people who will have COVID-19 and influenza at the same time, which would be very devastating and increase the risk of death."

He adds, "We are also fortunate that all the measures we are now adhering to to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 - masking, social distancing and hand washing - will also help reduce the spread of flu," concluding that "according to the ministry, prescribing will start at the end of September and vaccination around 15/10. Therefore, it would be advisable to hurry."

4 reasons to get the flu vaccine

In general, one should get the flu vaccine because:

  • It is also a life-threatening virus.
  • We need to protect ourselves from the flu so that our body and immune system are not overloaded by it.
  • To avoid getting sick from both viruses at the same time.
  • Not to burden the health care system with flu as well, filling the ICUs with flu and then not having beds for COVID-19 patients.

"Influenza and coronavirus have similar symptoms and it is not easy to distinguish what we are suffering from, except with special tests - PCR. So it will be difficult in winter to easily understand what we are suffering from, but also the doctor will not be able to know immediately, without a test, what is happening and what is treating."

Don't panic because of COVID-19

Although the risk of contracting coronavirus remains, it is important that patients continue to contact healthcare professionals to receive the flu vaccine, with calmness and adherence to prevention measures.

The same applies to children. Just as their vaccination programme is being maintained despite the pandemic, it is also important that they are vaccinated against influenza. The circulation of the flu virus in children puts adults at risk as well.

"Influenza is a serious and unpredictable disease that puts even healthy children at risk. So it is very important that all children are vaccinated every year, regardless of the presence or absence of underlying diseases."

The alarming similarities between influenza and COVID-19

What should you do if you think you have either flu or COVID-19?

Anyone who thinks they have COVID-19 or flu should call their doctor and talk about their symptoms. In some cases, testing by a microbiologist may be the next step.

Influenza and COVID-19 have essentially the same symptoms, so testing is the only way to find out which virus is causing the infection. Many argue that there is no way to tell them apart based on symptoms. Also, treatment for both is mostly symptomatic, except for some prescription antiviral drugs that can be given for the flu. A variety of treatments for people hospitalized with COVID-19 are under active study.

Influenza is a serious disease and we know that it occurs every year. Also, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalised because of the flu virus. However, it can be prevented with a vaccine. It does not take much time and is one of the best things we can do to protect ourselves.

Clinic "St. Luke's"

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Clinic "St. Luke's"

February 12, 2021

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