Summer fungal infections

Summer fungal infections

February 12, 2021

How to avoid them

For many women, the hot summer days hold a frequent and familiar danger. Due to frequent sweating, as well as the persistent moisture that a bathing suit holds, summer fungal infections are a phenomenon that many, if not most, women experience and are called upon to deal with.

What is vaginal mycosis?

Vaginal mycosis is an inflammation of the vagina that leads to symptomatic or asymptomatic vaginitis. However, it is not a sexually transmitted disease. In other words, we do not get vaginal mycosis from our partner.

The mechanism by which a vaginal mycosis is established has to do with the balance between the "good" (such as lactobacilli) and "bad" bacteria and microorganisms present in the vagina. When for whatever reason the vaginal fungi multiply, then symptoms of vaginal mycosis occur.

But how can we tell if what we are feeling is a simple, vaginal mycosis?

Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Vaginal mycosis is a form of vaginitis most commonly caused by fungi of the Candida Albicans or non Albicans family. It usually presents with some of the following symptoms:

  • White thick secretions that look like cut milk
  • Itching of the inner or outer genitals
  • Tingling or local pain, which becomes more intense during urination or sexual intercourse
  • Local irritation of the genitals with swelling or redness

What you can do to avoid them

The causes of vaginal mycosis are not the same for all women. The same applies to the frequency with which they occur. To reduce your risk or likelihood of developing vaginal mycosis, you can follow some of the following tips.

  • Try to keep the pH of the vagina balanced. Perfumes or deodorants that are indicated for use in the sensitive area may alter the vaginal pH, upsetting the balance of the vagina.
  • Keep the area dry, without much moisture. Be sure to bring a second swimsuit with you to the beach, as well as a soft cotton towel to dry the area.
  • Prefer comfortable and cotton underwear to allow the area to breathe.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and avoid tight trousers.
  • Activities that increase heat and humidity in the sensitive area, such as sports, jacuzzis, etc., should be followed by appropriate care of the sensitive area.
  • Avoid vaginal douching unless recommended by a specialist.
  • Put yoghurt in your diet. Avoid sugar and poor diet.

If you think you have vaginal mycosis, consult a doctor. Although some cases improve on their own over time, others require topical or oral medication. Also, it is important to note that vaginitis generally presents with symptoms that are similar, regardless of the cause. Therefore, when the symptoms of vaginitis persist, it is advisable to visit a doctor and possibly have a vaginal fluid culture done.

Clinic "St. Luke's"

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Clinic "St. Luke's"

February 12, 2021

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