A few words about alcohol

A few words about alcohol

February 12, 2021

Alcoholic beverages contain various percentages of ethyl alcohol. Typically, a normal beer contains about 5% alcohol. Wine contains 12% and spirits around 40%.

Many studies have shown that drinking alcohol in moderation, especially wine, can have health benefits. The recommended maximum alcohol consumption for men is 1-2 drinks per day, and for women no more than one drink per day.

Also, depending on the country and its regulations, alcohol can be consumed by certain ages. Also, alcohol consumption must be done responsibly in terms of our health and the safety of others.

Summer and alcohol

What to look out for

For most of us, the Greek summer is synonymous with walks on the beach, sunbathing and drinks by the sea. Although we know that hydration during the day is very important, few of us really know the effects of alcohol consumption on our health and how it affects the risk of accidents.

The risk of sunburn is increasing

Alcohol increases the chance of getting a burn after exposure to the sun. This is because the effect of alcohol on our body reduces the ability of our skin to protect itself from the UV radiation we receive from the sun.

If you consume alcohol outdoors and during the day, such as at the beach, apply sunscreen regularly, wear a hat and prefer shade.

Swimming can be dangerous

Alcohol consumption is a major contributor to deaths by drowning. In fact, alcohol contributes to almost 20% of all drowning deaths in adults, while in 15-29 year olds the figure is as high as 41%.

In other words, drinking alcohol increases the risk of an accident or drowning for the following reasons:

Affects decision-making ability

Increases risk-taking

Affects coordination and reaction time

Reduces the effectiveness of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)

It is important to drink water

Alcohol has a diuretic effect. This means that when we drink alcohol, our body releases more fluids than when we drink other drinks, such as juice or soft drinks. This can lead to dehydration. Therefore, it is therefore advisable to accompany every alcoholic drink with a glass of water.

Dehydration and sun exposure are important factors that can potentially lead to heat stroke. Some of the symptoms of heatstroke are headache, nausea, dizziness, delirium, fainting and coma.

Make sure you keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. Protect your body and your skin by wearing sunscreen and opting for shade.

Plan safe transport in advance

Alcohol is a major contributor to the frequency of car accidents. Even in small doses, alcohol affects concentration and the ability to react in time while driving.

If you consume alcohol, use public transport or call a taxi.

Blood alcohol content (BAC)

Blood alcohol content (BAC) is the unit used to measure the amount of alcohol in a person's bloodstream.

Alcohol poisoning

The seven stages

1. Safety - BAC: 0.01-0.05%

A person is sober when they have consumed one or less than one alcoholic drink in one hour. At this stage, the person feels good, as they always have.

2. Euphoria - BAC: 0.03-0.12%

The transition to the euphoric stage is made by drinking 2-3 drinks for men or 1-2 drinks for women, over the course of an hour. This is the stage in which a person feels "tipsy". In this stage, we are usually more confident and more sociable. We also have a slower reaction time and lower inhibitions.

3.Hexane - BAC: 0.09-0.25%

At this stage, a man has consumed about 3 to 5 drinks, and a woman 2 to 4 drinks, over the course of an hour. Some of the signs are as follows:

Emotional instability

Reduced coordination

Reduced judgment and memory

Blurred vision and reduced balance

Drowsiness or fatigue

At this stage we are "drunk".

4. Confusion - BAC: 0.18-0.30%

At this stage, a man has consumed more than 5 drinks, and a woman more than 4 drinks, over the course of an hour. The main characteristic of this stage is confusion. The person also has difficulty standing or walking. High pain tolerance can lead to accidents.

5. Lithargos - BAC: 0.25-0.4%

In the fifth stage, the person falls into a stupor and requires urgent medical attention. Breathing may be affected, as well as the reflexes that protect us from suctioning in case of vomiting.

6. Coma - BAC: 0.35-0.45%

At this stage, the body's functions slow down and the person falls into a coma, increasing the risk of death. Medical treatment is essential as the person is in a critical condition.

7. Death - BAC: 0.45% or more

When the alcohol content in the blood reaches or exceeds 0.45%, death due to alcohol poisoning is possible.

Clinic "St. Luke's"

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This is some text inside of a div block.
Clinic "St. Luke's"

February 12, 2021

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