New ultrasound imaging capabilities

New ultrasound imaging capabilities

November 18, 2020

The use of ultrasound scanners in everyday medical practice has for decades been an essential tool in the hands of trained physicians of all specialties. But the possibilities offered by the newer platforms, both diagnostic and interventional, make the work of physicians easier and offer patients faster access to more effective diagnoses and treatments.

The "Agios Loukas" Clinic, wishing to always offer the best scientific solutions to the patients of Northern Greece, and not only, has recently completed the radical renewal and upgrade of its ultrasound equipment, with the supply of three new EPIQ systems by PHILIPS.


The first installation in Greece of the world's leading ultrasound platform exclusively for cardiology use.

It incorporates new technologies and imaging techniques, which in combination with new technology echosound heads and a multitude of special software applications offer unprecedented possibilities for 2D and 3D imaging of the heart, even in motion. In this way, a more accurate diagnosis and ultimately treatment of heart failure, ischemia and structural and congenital heart disease can be achieved.

Figures 1, 2, 3:

EPIQ Elite

One of the most advanced ultrasound systems in the world, it offers unique diagnostic capabilities in the specialties of Radiology, Gynaecology, Urology, Surgery, etc.

The two such systems purchased by the Clinic "Agios Loukas" are equipped with new technology sound heads and all the modern imaging capabilities, such as:

- Shear Wave Imaging:

Special method of Elastography, which allows the performance of "virtual biopsies" of the liver, breast, thyroid, etc.

- MFI - Micro Flow Imaging:

Highly sensitive technique for imaging and detecting very small vessels with extremely low flow, such as fetal vessels.
- TrueVue and GlassVue:

Figures 4, 5, 6:
EPIQ Elite

Specific methods of photorealistic 3D imaging of embryos during pregnancy.

For more information and to make an appointment for an examination, please contact the Secretariat of the Radiology Laboratory of the "Agios Lukas" Clinic at 2310 390542 or the Secretariat of the Outpatient Clinics at 2310 390544.

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November 18, 2020

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