NEWS: Traveling Fellowship of the Hellenic Arthroscopic Society

NEWS: Traveling Fellowship of the Hellenic Arthroscopic Society

November 27, 2020

Within the framework of the Traveling Fellowship of the Hellenic Arthroscopic Society, theMIS Orthopaedic Center and the "Agios Loukas" Clinic had the pleasure to host four young Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Specifically, the Orthopaedic Surgeons Angelos Vassiliadis (Thessaloniki), Ioannis Kouyoumtzis (Alexandroupolis), Vasilios Mitrousias (Larissa) and Athanasios Prieftis (Athens) were initially guided to the Polyclinic of the Orthopaedic Centre TheMIS, where they had the opportunity to talk to the Orthopaedic Surgeons on issues of patient management and treatment.

Image 2:
Photo from the surgery internshipImage 3:
Instructors and trainees in a commemorative photo

The next day, a tour of the premises (wards, operating rooms, laboratories, physiotherapy room, swimming pool) of the always hospitable Clinic "Agios Loukas" took place. This was followed by participation in a rich surgical day, where they were given the opportunity under the guidance of the Orthopaedic Surgeons of the Orthopaedic Centre TheMIS, Mr. Ioannis Terzidis, Mr. Aristotle Sideridis, Mr. Efthymios Papasoulis and Mr. Tryphon Tottlis, to attend a series of interesting surgeries.

Image 4:
Photo from the visit to the PAOK PAOK FC premises

The afternoon of the same day was dedicated to visiting the PAOK PAOK FC sports facilities in Mesivria (training ground, medical centre, rehabilitation areas) and the Toumba stadium during the team's training session. In the evening, a working dinner followed, focusing on the experiences and knowledge gained during their day, which was rich in scientific activity.

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This is some text inside of a div block.

November 27, 2020

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