Bariatric: Science is changing our lives

Bariatric: Science is changing our lives

January 9, 2024

...writes Dr. Thanos Kakoulidis, Gen. Surgeon, Specialist in the surgical treatment of obesity 

The latest in medicine for the treatment of morbid obesity goes by the name of bariatric and metabolic surgery, the new discipline that aims to permanently restore the patient's weight to normal levels.

It is scientifically documented that morbid obesity causes a number of diseases, such as diabetes, arterial hypertension, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea syndrome, cholelithiasis, female infertility and cycle disorders, erectile dysfunction, non-alcoholic fatty liver infiltration, osteoarthritis, urinary incontinence and others.

All these diseases take a toll on physical and mental health and lead to a reduction in the life expectancy of a person suffering from morbid obesity.

Bariatric surgery allows the patient to lead a normal and beautiful life as he or she had envisioned and - most importantly - paves the way for longevity.

When is bariatric surgery the right choice for the treatment of obesity?

Bariatric surgery is indicated for patients who have tried repeatedly and over time to lose excess weight in various ways, such as diets, drugs, psychological sessions, exercise, but have not had any results.

The basic requirement for an obese person to undergo bariatric surgery is to have a body mass index above 30.

A worrying trend observed in recent years is that obesity is increasing among young adults, which is rapidly deteriorating their health and making their lives more difficult socially and at work.

The steps before bariatric surgery

Candidate patients must have undergone a specific pre-operative screening through the bariatric team, which includes meeting and taking a comprehensive history from the surgeon, follow-up sessions with the dietician, possibly with the psychologist, as well as with a coach / occupational therapist / physiotherapist. Also, a pre-operative gastroscopy is essential.

The above steps prepare the patient for the bariatric surgery, which is the "key" to being able to "open" the door to a new life. The patient's participation and effort is essential for the success of the operation, which is a lifetime investment that will contribute to the improvement of his/her psychological and physical health.

The rehabilitation phase after bariatric surgery  

Bariatric and metabolic procedures are now performed laparoscopically, i.e. with a minimally invasive technique, ensuring rapid recovery and return to daily life.

Only in the first few days after the operation is paracetamol given for pain and rarely opioids. Supplements (iron, vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin D and a multivitamin) are also necessary to avoid any deficiencies.

Patient monitoring and blood draws are required and are more regular in the first year, and then once a year thereafter to check that the patient is still on track. Occasionally dysphagia may occur, but this is transient and depends on eating habits.

It should be noted that any surgical complications rarely occur, especially if the patient has entrusted themselves to an experienced surgeon.

Another key part of postoperative rehabilitation is the adoption of a specific diet for 3 weeks. Specifically, the first week a liquid diet is recommended, the second and third week a pureed food is consumed, and from the fourth week the patient can start eating food normally, which should be chewed very well.

On a daily basis, the patient needs to consume 5-6 meals, of moderate size, but rich in nutritional value. In addition, physical exercise at an increasing rate is essential along with weight loss.

The value of bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery is the result of research and surgical activity and has revolutionised the treatment of obesity, displacing procedures such as small bowel bypass and gastric banding, which are now obsolete because they are considered obsolete.

The new methods that are now in the spotlight rarely have complications and ensure better results and quality of life.

Research in bariatric and metabolic surgery continues in parallel with advances in various pharmaceutical treatments, which have a supporting role in the new methods.

Today, every person can get rid of morbid obesity, as long as they trust an experienced and properly trained surgeon, so that they can eventually regain their self-confidence, optimism and enjoy life.

Kakoulidis Thanos

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This is some text inside of a div block.
Kakoulidis Thanos

January 9, 2024

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