Why choose us?

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that needs proper regulation. The proper regulation of Diabetes Mellitus requires regular visits to the diabetologist, excellent communication between the doctor and the patient and active participation of the patient in its treatment. In the Diabetology Clinic, in addition to the above, we provide holistic treatment of the disease, emphasizing not only on the regulation of sugar, but also on the body parts and organs that are at risk because of long-term Diabetes Mellitus. The Clinic operates in direct cooperation with all departments of the Clinic that contribute to the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. Thus, the patient has direct access to care and high quality health services.

For any information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secretariat of the Department
+30 2310 390 766 | +30 2310 380 000

To whom the Diabetology Clinic is addressed

The "Agios Loukas" Clinic operates a regular external Diabetes Clinic which accepts patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) on a regular basis. The Clinic is addressed to patients with:

It is also addressed to people with prediabetes or those who have a family history of diabetes and need periodic evaluation.

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

In the Diabetology Clinic, the following activities are carried out aiming at the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, as well as the timely identification and treatment of its long-term complications:

Body weight control is very important in the prevention and diagnosis of diabetes

Why is patient education so important?

Diabetes Mellitus is not a disease that is cured with an operation or with a week-long medication. It is a chronic metabolic disease that requires the persistent and daily intervention of patients themselves. Patients must be informed about the disease and be trained on their treatment. They must also be cooperative and comply with the instructions of the specialist diabetologist. When patients are educated and trained, dozens of problems related to the course of the disease and its complications are automatically solved. For this reason, therefore, patient education is of primary importance for the positive outcome of Diabetes Mellitus. 

The patient has the obligation to be informed about the disease and to be trained on its treatment.

Educating the patient in the prevention, identification and treatment of hypoglycaemia

Hypoglycaemia is the main limiting factor in the proper regulation of diabetes. The Clinic also trains the patient and his/her carers in unacknowledged hypoglycaemia, that is, the one that occurs without classical symptoms and that can quickly lead to hypoglycaemic coma, if not treated.

Regular ophthalmological examination in patients with Diabetes Mellitus

In collaboration with the fully equipped Ophthalmology Department, a regular ophthalmological examination and early diagnosis and treatment of all the lesions that diabetes can cause in the various parts of the human eye are carried out.

Complete control of the cardiovascular system 

There is also the possibility of complete and regular control of the cardiovascular system, depending on the case, with innovative bloodless methods and in collaboration with the various laboratories of the Clinic: 

Thus, the serious cardiovascular complications of diabetes are revealed and treated in a timely manner in the best way by the various special departments of the Clinic and patients gain time and quality of life.

Prevention and early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy

In collaboration with the Nephrology Department, prevention, early diagnosis and delaying the progression of diabetic nephropathy, which is the most common cause of end-stage renal failure (dialysis), if not treated in time.

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot

It is absolutely important to prevent, diagnose and treat early lesions of the lower extremities (diabetic foot) which are due to: 

The main element is diabetic ulcers. They are treated in collaboration with the special Diabetic Foot Clinic and other specialties, such as general surgery, vascular surgery and orthopaedics.

Diagnosis and treatment of gestational diabetes

The Clinic specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of all cases of gestational diabetes, either pre-existing or emerging, during pregnancy by administering an individualized diet and insulin therapy, when required, in order to achieve the excellent outcome of the pregnancy and to avoid serious immediate and ulterior complications for the mother and the baby caused by unregulated diabetes in pregnancy.

Diagnosis and treatment of secondary diabetes

Patients come to the Diabetology Clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of cases of secondary diabetes, such as the one that is related to: 


The Diabetology Clinic accepts life-threatening emergencies 24 hours a day, such as: 

Also, blood sugar deregulations that are related to other conditions that lead to hospitalisation of patients, as well as to prolong hospitalisation and increased morbidity and mortality, such as: 

The doctors of the department:

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The doctors of the department:

Useful tips for your hospitalisation


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