Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (Clinic)
Why choose us?

Holistic medicine for the treatment of Obesity

At the Clinic of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders of St. Luke's Hospital, the problem of Obesity is treated comprehensively, with the assistance of all relevant specialties, such as:

• Internal Medicine Doctor
• Endocrinologist
• Dietitian
• Gastroenterologist
• Psychiatrist
• Specialised bariatric surgeon
• Plastic surgeon

Our goal is the gradual and safe weight loss on a weekly basis with the ultimate goal of long-term maintenance.

Starting from the identification of the causes that lead to excessive weight gain and understanding the complexity of the problem, we can proceed to the definitive treatment of obesity, achieving gradual and permanent weight loss.

The Obesity Clinic has specialised surgeons, who are ready to intervene when necessary.

For any information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secretariat of the Clinic
+30 2310 390 766

A few words about Obesity

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a complex and multifactorial disease characterized by an excessive amount of body fat. In general, it increases the risk of other diseases, such as:

• Heart disease
• Diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Certain types of cancer

Usually, obesity is the result of hereditary factors, combined with the environment, eating habits and levels of physical activity of the patient.

However, even moderate weight loss can improve or prevent health problems associated with obesity. Dietary changes, increased physical activity and behavioural changes can help you lose weight. Additional options for the treatment of obesity are some medications, as well as special weight loss procedures.

Obesity and body mass index ratio

Obesity is diagnosed when the body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher. To determine your body mass index, divide your weight into kilograms by your height in metres squared (e.g. Weight = 80 kg Height = 1.80 meters BMI = 80 / 1,802 = 24.7).

Obesity and quality of life

Obesity can negatively affect your quality of life. You may not be able to do things you've usually done, avoid public places, or even face discrimination.

Other weight-related issues that may affect your quality of life are some of the following:

• Depression
• Sexual problems
• Shame and guilt
• Social isolation
• Lower work performance

Complications of Obesity

People with obesity are at greater risk of developing certain serious health problems, such as:

• Heart disease and strokes. Obesity can be the cause of high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, which are risk factors for heart disease and strokes.
• Type 2 diabetes. Obesity can affect how your body uses insulin to control blood sugar levels, contributing to the onset of non-insulin-dependent diabetes.
• Certain types of cancer. Obesity can increase the risk of cancer in many organs.
• Apnoea. People with obesity are more likely to experience apnoea during sleep.
• Osteoarthritis. Obesity strains the joints, increasing the risk of developing osteoarthritis.

Prevention of weight regain after the treatment of Obesity

Weight regain after the treatment of obesity is a frequent phenomenon. This is especially true for those who have lost weight by invasive methods or medication, but without changing their lifestyle and habits.

Regular physical exercise

One of the best ways to prevent people from regaining the weight they have lost is regular physical exercise. 45 to 60 minutes a day is a good and healthy habit, after the completion of the treatment.

Healthy and balanced diet

Combining a healthier diet with a regular physical exercise program is the best way to maintain the weight loss.

Good mental health

Surround yourself with supportive people and be sure to seek help if you are experiencing feelings of anxiety or sadness.

Visit to the Clinic

The visit to the Clinic includes:

• Detailed analysis of the characteristics (profiles) of Obesity of the individual and metabolic complications by a scientific team.
• Complete metabolic and hormonal checkup.
• Gradual and safe weight loss on a weekly basis with the ultimate goal of long-term maintenance.
• In some cases, recommendation for specialised surgical treatment of the problem.

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Useful tips for your hospitalisation


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