Videourodynamic Study Department
Why choose us?

The urodynamic study contributes greatly to the evaluation of the function of the lower urinary tract and the planning of the treatment of the patient. For the success of the examination, the contribution of the patient himself and his ability to describe the sensory stimuli experienced during the examination are important. The experienced human resources, combined with the state-of-the-art material and technical infrastructure of the Videourodynamic Study Unit, are a guarantee for the proper treatment of patients with urologic problems.

For any information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secretariat of the Unit
+30 2310 390 766 | +30 2310 380 000

What is urodynamic study?

The purpose of urodynamic tests is to study and record disorders of the bladder and urethra in patients with symptoms from the lower urinary tract. First, we take the patient's medical history and, then, follows the objective examination and the paraclinical examinations, so that there is a complete picture from the attending physician.

Modern Equipment for Videourodynamic Study

Since January 2006, the most modern Videourodynamics Study Unit in Greece has been installed and operates at St. Luke's Hospital. It is a Urology Unit whose operation is based on the latest type of five-channel Videourodynamic Study machine of MMS Inc.

Types of individual or combined studies

There is the possibility of performing therapeutic interventions, such as Biofeedback, but also individual or combined complex studies, such as:

To whom is the department addressed?

Patients with urination disorders, without a clear organic cause, are candidates for urodynamic control. In suspected neurological disorder, it can help diagnose infertility and impotence. In summary, the indications of urodynamic control are:

What does it offer to men?

In men, the Videourodynamic Study offers an identification of the cause of the following:

What does it offer to women?

In women, the Videourodynamic Study determines the cause of urinary incontinence, thus leading to proper treatment, conservative or surgical. Especially the role of Videourodynamics is irreplaceable in the treatment of complications after an unsatisfactory outcome of surgery to correct incontinence. In women suffering from recurrent urinary tract infections, frequent urination or painful urination, Videourodynamics offers the most in the final diagnosis and treatment.

What does it offer to children?

When children suffer from: 

The Laboratory of Videodynamic Study offers not only diagnostic capabilities that no other test can offer, but also unique therapeutic possibilities thanks to the latest type of Biofeedback device available.

What does it offer to people with neurological problems?

In this case, the possibility of complete and correct classification of neurogenic bladder is provided, with significant benefits such as: 

People who suffer from multiple sclerosis, strokes, quadriplegia or paraplegia due to spinal cord damage, and generally from neurological problems of any nature, will benefit significantly from the Videourodynamic Study Unit.

Interdisciplinary cooperation of the Unit

The Video Urodynamic Study Unit consists of Urologists with many years of experience in the field of Urodynamics and, at the same time, operates in collaboration – when necessary– with the Neurological Department and the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of St. Luke's Hospital.

The doctors of the department:

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The doctors of the department:
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Useful tips for your hospitalisation


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